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Brand Overview

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For Others® is a Tennessee-based Christian nonprofit serving children, youth, young adults, and families affected by the foster care system in the United States. Established on the belief that all individuals deserve a safe and secure home, For Others utilizes a holistic approach to restore all those affected by the foster care system. For Others was founded in 2019 by Chris and Lauren Tomlin. Today, we strive to prevent vulnerable children from being placed into the foster care system, offer aid and services to support those affected by the system, and seek to restore those in the system by creating relational permanency and belong through reunification, adoption, or mentorship.

The Problem

There are more than 420,000 kids are in the foster care system in the United States, most of whom will experience severe trauma while growing up in the system. Only half of these kids will reunite with their biological families, and many will attempt suicide. For the 23,000 young adults who age out of the system, a life of chronic poverty, unplanned pregnancies, incarceration, and homelessness is almost guaranteed. 

Mission & Vision

Vision statement (what the world can look like when this issue is fixed): 

The vulnerable restored into safe and stable relationships. 


Mission statement (how we intend to fix the issue): 

For Others provides innovative solutions that prevent vulnerable children from being placed into the foster care system, and restores those affected by creating relational permanency through reunification, adoption, or mentorship.



Restoring those affected by foster care. 

Active Customer


This is Invested Irene. 


Irene is 41 years old and lives in the Southeast region of the United States. Irene works in a socially-conscious field as a middle school teacher. Irene is a trusting individual, but takes careful time to make decisions about what and who she trusts. Once she has decided she cares about something, she sticks with it for the long haul and acts accordingly.


Irene identifies as an evangelical Christian.


Irene says that she wants to be active in

the foster care crisis.


Irene thinks that change is possible, and attributes her attention to where she feels change is coming from.



Active Audience

Our target audience is based off of gathered engagement data, and should be kept in mind when working with our brand or asking yourself, "who might be reading this?"


Excited Elizabeth


23 years old. Identifies as an evangelical Christian. Student at a Christian university. Utilizes Instagram or Tik Tok as main news and connection source. Cares about trending topics. Highly aesthetically driven. Brand ally. 

Humanitarian Hudson


32 years old. Does not identify as religious. Cares deeply about social and societal issues. Utilizes Facebook or Instagram to share opinions and comment on civil narratives. Educationally driven. Identity ally. 

Participating Peyton


50 years old. Identifies as protestant Christian. Working mother of ~two. Utilizes traditional news sources as well as social media to be informed. Active participant in initiatives. Ethically driven. Cause ally. 

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